+ as a unary operator simply forces M to evaluate the expression following as numeric; as a binary operator it causes M to perform addition.
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Example 2
- as a unary operator causes M to negate the expression following; as a binary operator it causes M to perform subtraction.
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Example 2
* binary operator for multiplication.
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Example 2
** binary operator for exponentiation.
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Example 2
/ binary operator for fractional division.
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Example 2
\ binary operator for integer division.
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Example 2
# binary operator for modulo, that is, causes M to produce the remainder from integer division of the first argument by the second.
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Example 2
& binary AND operator produces a true result only if both of the expressions are true.
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Example 2
! binary OR operator produces a true result if either of the expressions is true.
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Example 2
' unary NOT operator negates current truth-value.
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Example 2
_ binary operator causes M to concatenate the second expression with the first expresion
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Example 2
= binary operator causes M to produce a TRUE if the expressions are equal.
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Example 2
[ binary operator causes M to produce a TRUE if the first expression contains the ordered sequence of characters in the second expression.
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Example 2
] binary operator causes M to produce a TRUE if the first expression lexically follows the second expression in the character encoding sequence, which by default is ASCII.
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Example 2
]] binary operator causes M to produce a TRUE if the first expression lexically sorts after the second expression in the subscript collation sequence.
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Example 2
The equal sign (=) between two numeric values tests for numeric equality.
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Example 2
> binary arithmetic greater than.
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Example 2
< binary arithmetic less than.
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Example 2
<= less than or equal to, that is, not greater than.
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Example 2
'< greater than or equal to, that is, not less than.
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Example 2
alphabetic characters upper or lower case.
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Example 2
control characters ASCII 0-31 and 127.
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Example 2
any character; used to pass all characters in portions of the string where the pattern is not restricted.
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Example 2
lower-case alphabetic characters, ASCII 97-122.
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Example 2
punctuation, ASCII 32-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123-126.
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Example 2
upper-case alphabetic characters, ASCII 65-90.
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Example 2