To insert text before the cursor press i
The format for the i is:
To insert text at the beginning of the line press I
The format for the I is:
To insert text after the cursor press a
The format for the a is:
To insert at the end of the line press A
The format for the A is:
Press x to delete the character under the cursor.
The format for the x is:
Press D to delete from the cursor position to the end of the line.
The format for the D is:
Press DW to delete a word where the cursor is located.
The format for the DW is:
To create a new line below selected line press o.
The format for the o is:
To create a line above the selected line press O.
The format for the O is:
Write / and the text you want to search and Enter, press Enter again for the next occurrence and n to redo the search in the foward direction
More...To save the file with a different name type :w filename.
The format for the w_filename is:
To save and quit, use :wq and press Enter.
The format for the wq is:
To quit without saving, use :q! and press Enter.
The format for the q! is:
To change a word in the whole file write :g/"word you want to be changed"/s\/"word you to change to"/g
The format for the g is: